Hypothesis: HR 8:
Conclusion: HR 163:
Every non-well-orderable set has an infinite, Dedekind finite subset.
List of models where hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false:
Name | Statement |
\(\cal M1(\langle\omega_1\rangle)\) Cohen/Pincus Model | Pincus extends the methods of Cohen and adds a generic \(\omega_1\)-sequence, \(\langle I_{\alpha}: \alpha\in\omega_1\rangle\), of denumerable sets, where \(I_0\) is a denumerable set of generic reals, each \(I_{\alpha+1}\) is a generic set of enumerations of \(I_{\alpha}\), and for a limit ordinal \(\lambda\),\(I_{\lambda}\) is a generic set of choice functions for \(\{I_{\alpha}:\alpha \le \lambda\}\) |
\(\cal M2\) Feferman's model | Add a denumerable number of generic reals to the base model, but do not collect them |
\(\cal M2(\langle\omega_2\rangle)\) Feferman/Truss Model | This is another extension of <a href="/models/Feferman-1">\(\cal M2\)</a> |
\(\cal M5(\aleph)\) Solovay's Model | An inaccessible cardinal \(\aleph\) is collapsed to \(\aleph_1\) in the outer model and then \(\cal M5(\aleph)\) is the smallest model containing the ordinals and \(\Bbb R\) |
\(\cal M13\) Feferman/Solovay Model | This model is an extension of <a href="/models/Feferman-1">\(\cal M2\)</a> in which there are \(\omega_1\) generic real numbers, but no set to collect them |
\(\cal M18\) Shelah's Model I | Shelah modified Solovay's model, <a href="/models/Solovay-1">\(\cal M5\)</a>, and constructed a model without using an inaccessible cardinal in which the <strong>Principle of Dependent Choices</strong> (<a href="/form-classes/howard-rubin-43">Form 43</a>) is true and every set of reals has the property of Baire (<a href="/form-classes/howard-rubin-142">Form142</a> is false) |
\(\cal M21\) Felgner's Model II | Suppose \(\cal M \models ZF + V = L\). Define \(B=\{f: (\exists\alpha <\omega_1)f:\alpha\to\omega\}\) |
\(\cal M25\) Freyd's Model | Using topos-theoretic methods due to Fourman, Freyd constructs a Boolean-valued model of \(ZF\) in which every well ordered family of sets has a choice function (<a href="/form-classes/howard-rubin-40">Form 40</a> is true), but \(C(|\Bbb R|,\infty)\) (<a href="/form-classes/howard-rubin-181">Form 181</a>) is false |
\(\cal M27\) Pincus/Solovay Model I | Let \(\cal M_1\) be a model of \(ZFC + V =L\) |
\(\cal M30\) Pincus/Solovay Model II | In this construction, an \(\omega_1\) sequence of generic reals is added to a model of \(ZFC\) in such a way that the <strong>Principle of Dependent Choices</strong> (<a href="/form-classes/howard-rubin-43">Form 43</a>) is true, but no nonprincipal measure exists (<a href="/form-classes/howard-rubin-223">Form 223</a> is false) |
\(\cal M38\) Shelah's Model II | In a model of \(ZFC +\) "\(\kappa\) is a strongly inaccessible cardinal", Shelah uses Levy's method of collapsing cardinals to collapse \(\kappa\) to \(\aleph_1\) similarly to <a href="/articles/Solovay-1970">Solovay [1970]</a> |
\(\cal M39(\kappa,\lambda)\) Kanovei's model II | This model depends on the two cardinals \(\kappa < \lambda\) such that both \(\kappa\) and \(\lambda\) have cofinality \(>\omega\) and neither \(\kappa\) nor \(\lambda\) can be written as \(\theta^+\) where \(\theta\) is a cardinal of countable cofinality and such that \(\aleph_2 \le\kappa\) |
\(\cal M40(\kappa)\) Pincus' Model IV | The ground model \(\cal M\), is a model of \(ZF +\) the class form of \(AC\) |
\(\cal M42\) Bull's Model | Let \(\cal M\) be a countable transitive model of \(ZFC +\) "There are uncountable regular cardinals \(\aleph_\alpha <\aleph_\beta < \aleph_\gamma\) such that \(\aleph_\alpha\) is \(\aleph_\gamma\)-supercompact; \(\aleph_\beta\) is the first measurable cardinal greater than \(\aleph_\alpha\); and \(\aleph_\gamma =|2^{\aleph_\beta}|\)." Using backward Easton forcing (which is due to Silver), Bull constructs a generic extension of \(\cal M\) |
\(\cal M43\) Pincus' Model V | This is the model of <a href="/articles/Pincus-1977a">Pincus [1977a]</a>, Theorem 2.1 \((A)\) |
\(\cal M44\) Pincus' Model VI | This is the model of <a href="/articles/Pincus-1977a">Pincus [1977a]</a>, Theorem 2.1 \((B)\) |
\(\cal M45\) Pincus' Model VII | This is the model of <a href="/articles/Pincus-1977a">Pincus [1977a]</a>, Theorem 2.1 \((C)\) |
\(\cal M46(m,M)\) Pincus' Model VIII | This model depends on the natural number \(m\) and the set of natural numbers \(M\) which must satisfy Mostowski's condition: <ul type="none"> <li>\(S(M,m)\): For everydecomposition \(m = p_{1} + \ldots + p_{s}\) of \(m\) into a sum of primes at least one \(p_{i}\) divides an element of \(M\)</li> </ul> |
\(\cal M47(n,M)\) Pincus' Model IX | This is the model of <a href="/articles/Pincus-1977a">Pincus [1977a]</a>, Theorem 2.1 \((E)\) |
\(\cal N2(\aleph_{\alpha})\) Jech's Model | This is an extension of \(\cal N2\) in which \(A=\{a_{\gamma} : \gamma\in\omega_{\alpha}\}\); \(B\) is the corresponding set of \(\aleph_{\alpha}\) pairs of elements of \(A\); \(\cal G\)is the group of all permutations on \(A\) that leave \(B\) point-wise fixed;and \(S\) is the set of all subsets of \(A\) of cardinality less than\(\aleph_{\alpha}\) |
\(\cal N12(\aleph_1)\) A variation of Fraenkel's model, \(\cal N1\) | Thecardinality of \(A\) is \(\aleph_1\), \(\cal G\) is the group of allpermutations on \(A\), and \(S\) is the set of all countable subsets of \(A\).In \(\cal N12(\aleph_1)\), every Dedekind finite set is finite (9 is true),but the \(2m=m\) principle (3) is false |
\(\cal N12(\aleph_2)\) Another variation of \(\cal N1\) | Change "\(\aleph_1\)" to "\(\aleph_2\)" in \(\cal N12(\aleph_1)\) above |
\(\cal N12(\aleph_{\alpha})\) A generalization of \(\cal N12(\aleph_1)\).Replace ``\(\aleph_1\)'' by ``\(\aleph_{\alpha}\)'' where \(\aleph_{\alpha}\) isa singular cardinal | Thus, \(|A|=\aleph_{\alpha}\); \(\cal G\) is the groupof all permutations on \(A\); and \(S\) is the set of all subsets of \(A\) withcardinality less than \(\aleph_{\alpha}\) |
\(\cal N14\) Morris/Jech Model | \(A = \bigcup\{A_{\alpha}: \alpha <\omega_1\}\), where the \(A_{\alpha}\)'s are pairwise disjoint, each iscountably infinite, and each is ordered like the rationals; \(\cal G\) isthe group of all permutations on \(A\) that leave each \(A_{\alpha}\) fixedand preserve the ordering on each \(A_{\alpha}\); and \(S = \{B_{\gamma}:\gamma < \omega_1\}\), where \(B_{\gamma}= \bigcup\{A_{\alpha}: \alpha <\gamma\}\) |
\(\cal N15\) Brunner/Howard Model I | \(A=\{a_{i,\alpha}: i\in\omega\wedge\alpha\in\omega_1\}\) |
\(\cal N21(\aleph_{\alpha+1})\) Jensen's Model | We assume \(\aleph_{\alpha+1}\) is a regular cardinal |
\(\cal N23\) Howard/Mostowski Linearly Ordered Model | This model is amodification of \(\cal N3\) |
\(\cal N27\) Hickman's Model II | Let \(A\) be a set with cardinality\(\aleph_1\) such that \(A=\{(a_{\alpha},b_{\beta}) : \alpha < \omega, \beta< \omega_1\}\) |
\(\cal N33\) Howard/H\.Rubin/J\.Rubin Model | \(A\) is countably infinite;\(\precsim\) is a dense linear ordering on \(A\) without first or lastelements (\((A,\precsim) \cong (\Bbb Q,\le)\)); \(\cal G\) is the group of allorder automorphisms on \((A,\precsim)\); and \(S\) is the set of all boundedsubsets of \(A\) |
\(\cal N36(\beta)\) Brunner/Howard Model III | This model is a modificationof \(\cal N15\) |
\(\cal N38\) Howard/Rubin Model I | Let \((A,\le)\) be an ordered set of atomswhich is order isomorphic to \({\Bbb Q}^\omega\), the set of all functionsfrom \(\omega\) into \(\Bbb Q\) ordered by the lexicographic ordering |
\(\cal N40\) Howard/Rubin Model II | A variation of \(\cal N38\) |
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