This non-implication,
Form 0 \( \not \Rightarrow \)
Form 286,
whose code is 4, is constructed around a proven non-implication as follows:
Hypothesis | Statement |
Form 253 | <p> <strong>\L o\'s' Theorem:</strong> If \(M=\langle A,R_j\rangle_{j\in J}\) is a relational system, \(X\) any set and \({\cal F}\) an ultrafilter in \({\cal P}(X)\), then \(M\) and \(M^{X}/{\cal F}\) are elementarily equivalent. </p> |
Conclusion | Statement |
Form 286 | <p> <strong>Extended Krein-Milman Theorem:</strong> Let K be a quasicompact (sometimes called convex-compact), convex subset of a locally convex topological vector space, then K has an extreme point. <a href="/books/10">H. Rubin/J. Rubin [1985]</a>, p. 177-178. </p> |
The conclusion Form 0 \( \not \Rightarrow \) Form 286 then follows.
Finally, the
List of models where hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false:
Name | Statement |
\(\cal M27\) Pincus/Solovay Model I | Let \(\cal M_1\) be a model of \(ZFC + V =L\) |