Cohen \(\cal M23\): Hodges' Model | Historical notes

Description: Let \(\cal M\) be a countable transitive model of \(ZFC + V = L\) and let \(\kappa\) be a regular cardinal in \(\cal M\)

Parameter(s): This model does not depend on parameters

All Forms Known to be True in \(\cal M23\):

All Forms Known to be False in \(\cal M23\):
430-p, 427, 391, 335-n, 334, 333, 292, 264, 239, 218, 202, 180, 164, 149, 147, 133, 114, 112, 109, 95-F, 91, 90, 89, 67, 66, 28-p, 1,

A minimial list of forms whose truth in this model imply all others that are true in this model: 0

Falses that are implied by others list: 91-180

References for models trues falses list: References Hodges [1976b], \cite{1980}, and Note 18.
