Fraenkel \(\cal N60\): de la Cruz-Hall model 3 | Back to this models page
Description: Let \(\{ R_{n,i} : n, i \in \omega \}\) be a partition of \(A\) (the set of atoms) into continuum sized sets and fix bijections \(f_{n,i} : \mathbb R \to R_{n.i}\). For each \(n \in \omega\) let \(A_{n} = \bigcup \{ R_{n,i} : i \in \omega \}\) and let \(D_{n}\) be the metric on \(A_{n}\) such that each \(f_{n,i}\) is an isometry and the distance betweenn elements in different \(R_{n,i}\)'s is always \(1\). Let \(G^{+}\) be the group of permutations \(\pi\) of A such that
When the book was first being written, only the following form classes were known to be true in this model:
Form Howard-Rubin Number | Statement |
When the book was first being written, only the following form classes were known to be false in this model:
Form Howard-Rubin Number | Statement |
Historical background: pending