Next, we shall show that \(C(\aleph_0,\infty)\) is true in \(\cal N23\). Let \(X=\{Y_i: i\in\omega\}\) be a denumerable set of non-empty sets in the model. Let \(B\) be a common support for \(X\) and the \(Y_i\)'s, \(i\in \omega\). Let the open intervals of \(A-B\) be denoted by \(I_{\beta}\), for \(\beta <\alpha\). For each \(i\in\omega\), choose (in the outer model) \(z_i\in Y_i\) and let \(B_i\) be a support of \(z_i\). Let \(J_{\beta i}= I_{\beta}\cap B_i\). (Note: Whenever we choose a sequence of elements in \(A\), we choose them in increasing order. Also, \(\beta\) will range over \(\alpha\), and \(i\) and \(j\) will range over \(\omega\).)
We then define \(K_{\beta j i}\) as follows: For each \(\beta\) and \(i\), choose \(E_{\beta i}= \{e_{\beta j i}: j\in\omega\}\) cofinal in \(I_{\beta}\) such that each \(e_{\beta o i} \lt J_{\beta i}\) and \(E_{\beta i}\cap \hbox{cl}(B_i)=\emptyset\). Then define \(K_{\beta j i}=B_i\cap (e_{\beta j i}, e_{\beta j+1 i})\). (If \(J_{\beta i}\) is not cofinal in \(I_{\beta}\), choose \(E_{\beta i}\) such that \(e_{\beta o i} \lt J_{\beta i} \lt e_{\beta 1 i}\) so there is only one non-empty \(K_{\beta j i}\).)
For each \(\beta\), choose \(\{c_{\beta i}: i\in\omega\}\) cofinal in \(I_{\beta}\) and choose \(\{d_{\beta j i}: i\in\omega\}\) in the interval \((c_{\beta j}, c_{\beta j+1})\). For each \(\beta\), \(j\), and \(i\), let \(f_{\beta j i}\) be a function mapping \(K_{\beta j i}\) into the interval \((d_{\beta j i}, d_{\beta j i+1})\) and let \(L_{\beta j i}\) be the range of \(f_{\beta j i}\). Next, let \(f_i\) be an extension of \(\bigcup_{\beta, j}f_{\beta j i}\) to a complete isomorphism of \(A\) fixing \(B\). We claim that \(F=\{\lt Y_i, f_i(z_i)\gt: i\in\omega\}\) is a choice function for \(X\) that is in the model. Since \(f_i\) preserves \(B\), we must have that \(f_i(z_i)\in f(Y_i)=Y_i\). A support of \(F\) is \(\bigcup_{\beta,j,i}L_{\beta j i}\) which is a well ordered union of the well ordered sets \(L_{\beta j i}\) and, therefore, can be well ordered.
Howard-Rubin number: 100
Type: proof of result