Description: Definitions for measures on Boolean algebras.


Definitions for measures on Boolean algebras.

Definition:  Assume that \(\cal B = (B,\land,\lor,{\bf{1}},{\bf{0}})\) is a Boolean algebra.

  1.  A measure or additive real valued measure on \(\cal B\) is a function \(m:\cal B\to {\Bbb R}\) such that \(m({\bf{1}})=1\),\((\forall x\in B)(m(x) \ge 0)\), and \((\forall x,y\in B)(x\land y ={\bf{0}} \to m(x\lor y) = m(x) + m(y))\).  (It follows that\(m({\bf{0})} = 0\).)
  2. A two valued measure on \(\cal B\) is a measure on \(\cal B\) whose range is \(\{0,1\}\).
  3. If \(\cal B = (\cal P(X),\cap,\cup,X,\emptyset)\) then a measure \(m\) on \(\cal B\) is non-principal if \(m(\{x\}) = 0\) for every \(x\in X\).

Howard-Rubin number: 147

Type: Definitions
