Description: For research on set theory without \(AC\)


For research on set theory without \(AC\) the following references may be consulted:

  1. Results on Dedekind finite, infinite fields in set theory without \(AC\) see Hickman [1978a], Hickman [1980a], and Hickman [1982]
  2. The Dedekind cardinals without \(AC\) see Ellentuck [1970], Ellentuck [1973],Ellentuck [1976], and Monro [1975].
  3. Order types of linearly ordered Dedekind finite sets without \(AC\) see Hickman [1979a]
  4. Ordered sets satisfying ``there is no infinite descending sequence'', see Hickman [1975].
  5. Possible properties of rings see Hodges [1974] where the negation of Form 278 is shown to be consistent with \(ZF\).
  6. Estimates of the sizes of \(\aleph (x)\) and \(\aleph ^{*}(x)\) in set theory without AC. \(\aleph (x)\) is the smallest ordinal \(\alpha \) such that \(\neg (|\alpha| \le|x|)\) and \(\aleph^{*}(x)\) is the smallest ordinal \(\alpha \) such that \(\neg (|\alpha|\le * |x|)\) where \(\le *\) is the surjective cardinal ordering. See Kruse [1974]
  7. Possible cardinality of the set of Dedekind finite cardinals in a Fraenkel-Mostowski model see A. Rubin/J. Rubin [1974].
  8. H. Amorphous sets \(X\) for which \(\cal P \cal P \cal P(X)\) is large see Monro [1973c]. (\(X\) is amorphous if \(X\) is infinite and \(\forall Y\subseteq X\), \(Y\) is finite or \(X-Y\) is finite.)
  9. Topology without the axiom of choice see Chandler [1972].
  10. Possible order types of convex sets of cardinal numbers see Truss [1973e]
  11. Large cardinals in set theory without the axiom of choice see Spector [1991] and Apter [1982]
  12. Logic without \(AC\) see Malitz [1992]
  13. Posets and lattices without \(AC\) see Hickman [1977a]

Howard-Rubin number: 45

Type: Reference summary
