Definitions from Shannon [1990]
Definitions from Shannon [1990]
Assume that \((P,\le )\) is a
quasi-order (reflexive and transitive).
- \(x\) and \(y\) in \(P\) are compatible if \(\exists z\in P\) such that \(z\le x\) and \(z \le y\).
- Incompatible means not compatible.
- \(I\subseteq P\) is an antichain if each pair of elements of
\(I\) are incompatible.
- \(D\subseteq P\) is dense if \(\forall x\in P\), \(\exists y\in
D\) such that \(y\le x\).
- \(F\subseteq P\) is a filter if
- \(\forall x, y\in F\, \exists z\in F\) such that \(z\le x\) and \(z\le y\) and
- \(\forall x\in F\forall y\in P\), \(x\le y\) implies \(y\in F\).<\li>
- If \({\cal D}\subseteq {\cal P}(P)\), a filter \(F\) is \({\cal D}\) generic if \(F\cap D\neq\emptyset\) for all \(D\) in \({\cal D}\). \(F\) is \(P\) generic if \(F\cap D\neq\emptyset\) for
all dense subsets \(D\) of \(P\).
- A chain \(C\) of \((P,\le)\) is a covering chain iff for all \(x\in C\), if \(x\) is not maximal in \(C\), then \(\exists y\in C\) such that \(y\) covers \(x\) in \(P\) (i.e., \(y > x\) and there is no \(z \in P\) such that \(y > z > x\)).
- If \(Q \subseteq P\) and \(x\in P\), the depth of \(x\) (relative to \(Q\)) is the order type of the smallest well ordered (under the quasi-order) covering chain \(C\) which begins at \(x\) and
ends at an element of \(Q\). (The depth of \(x\) is only defined if such a chain exists.)
- Two elements \(x\) and \(y\) of \(P\) are \(Q\) strongly incompatible if \(x\) and \(y\) are incompatible and the depth of \(x\) is different from the depth of y.
- \(I\subseteq P\) is a \(Q\) strong antichain if any two elements are \(Q\) strongly incompatible.
Shannon [1990] proves that the following are equivalent for each
ordinal \(\alpha\):
- \(C(\aleph_{\alpha },<\aleph_{0})\)
- If \((P,\le)\) is a quasi-order such that \(P \neq\emptyset\) and \(P\) is a union of \(\aleph_{\alpha}\) finite sets and every antichain is finite, then there is a well orderable, \(P\) generic filter.
- For some ordinal \(\beta\ge\alpha\), for every quasi-order \((P,\le )\) such that \(P\neq\emptyset\) and such that \(P\) is the union of \(\aleph_{\alpha}\) finite sets and such that every antichain is finite
then for every family \({\cal D}\) of \(\aleph_{\beta}\) dense sets there is a well orderable \({\cal D}\) generic filter.
Howard-Rubin number: