
Results and consequences of von Rimscha [1982]


In von Rimscha [1982] three transitivity conditions are considered:

\(Tr\): \(\forall x\exists u\exists f\) such that \(u\) is transitive and \(f\) is a function from \(f\) one to one and onto \(u\). This is Form 175.
\(Tr'\): \(\forall  x \exists  u \exists  f\) such that \(u\) is transitive and \(u \subseteq  TC(x)\) and \(f\) is a one to one function from \(x\) onto \(u\).
\(Tr''\): \(\forall x\exists u\exists f\) such that \(u\) is transitive and \(f\) is a one to one function from \(x\) onto \(u\) and \(\forall s\in x\), \(f(s)\in TC(s)\).
It is shown that in \(ZF\), AC implies \(Tr''\) and that \(Tr''\)implies \(Tr'\) implies \(Tr\).  All  proofs  can  be  done  in \(ZF^0\) with minor modifications.  It is also shown that \(ZF \vdash Tr\rightarrow\) Form 9  (Dedekind finite = finite). This could be reformulated as \(ZF^0 \vdash Tr \rightarrow \)  all pure Dedekind finite sets are finite. We can therefore conclude that \(Tr\) (Form 175) implies Dedekind finite sets of reals are finite (Form 13).

It is however possible to  prove in \(ZF^0\)  that  \(Tr''\)  (Form  174) implies Dedekind finite = finite (Form 9).  We proceed as follows: Assume \(Tr''\).  We first show that every infinite subset of the atoms \(A\) is Dedekind infinite.  Assume \(B \subseteq  A\) and that\(B\) is infinite.  We will use \(Tr''\) to get a choice function for \({\cal P}(B)\) from which it follows that \(B\) has a denumerable subset. Let \(\kappa\) be the least well ordered cardinal which is not \(\le|{\cal P}(B)|\).  For each \(a \in B\) and ordinal \(\alpha\), define\(a_{\alpha}\) by induction: \(a_{0} = a\), \(a_{\lambda} =\bigcup^{}_{\alpha <\lambda } a_{\alpha }\) for limit ordinals \(\lambda\) and \(a_{\alpha +1} = a_{\alpha} \cup \{a_{\alpha }\}\). (\(a_{\alpha }\) is the ordinal \(\alpha \)  with every occurrence of \(\emptyset\) replaced by \(a\).)  Then for each \(\alpha\), \(|a_{\alpha}| = |\alpha|\). Let \(B' = \{a_{\kappa}: a\in B \}\) and let \(x = {\cal P}(B')\).By \(Tr''\) there is a transitive set \(u\) and a function \(f : x\rightarrow u\) which is one to one and onto and such that for each \(s \in  x\), \(f(s)\in  TC(s)\). Suppose that \(C \subseteq  B\) and let \(s = \{a_{\kappa}:a\in C\}\in x\).  Then \[TC(s)=\{s \}\cup s\cup\left(\bigcup^{}_{a\in C}a_{\kappa}\right)\] since \(|TC(s)| \ge  \kappa\), \(s \not\in u\).\((|u| = |{\cal P}(B)|\) which is not \(\ge\kappa\).). So \(f(s) \in  \bigcup^{}_{a\in C} a_{\kappa }\). Since \(a\neq b\) implies\(a_{\kappa } \cap  b_{\kappa } = \emptyset\), \(f(s)\)  determines a unique element of \(C\).

Now let \(x\) be any infinite set.  By \(Tr''\) there is a transitive \(u\) and a one to one function \(f\) from \(x\) onto \(u\).  If \(u\) contains only finitely many atoms, then the von Rimscha proof can be modified to show that \(x\) has a denumerable subset.  If \(u\)  contains  an infinite set of atoms \(B\), then by the first argument \(B\) and therefore\(x\) contains a denumerable subset.

(from von-Rimscha-1982): Are any of the implications \(Tr \rightarrow Tr' \rightarrow Tr'' \rightarrow AC\) provable in \(ZF\)?

Howard-Rubin number: 49

Type: Proofs and statements
