Description: Definitions for forms Form 227 and Form 228.


Definitions for forms Form 227 and Form 228.


  1. A partially ordered group is a triple \((G,\circ,\le)\) such that \((G,\circ )\) is a group and \((G,\le )\) is a partially ordered set satisfying for all \(x,\ y,\ a\) and \(b\) in \(G\) if \(x\le y\),then \(axb\le ayb\).
  2. \(P = \{a\in G: a\ge e\}\) is the positive cone (where \(e\) is the identity in \(G\)).
  3. If \(P\cup P^{-1} = G\) then \(G\) is fully ordered. (This is equivalent  to saying that \(\le\) is a linear ordering.)
  4. A group is torsion free if the only element of finite order is the identity element.

Howard-Rubin number: 79

Type: Definitions
