Form 31 (\(UT(\aleph^0,\aleph^0,\aleph^0)\)) does not imply Form 9 (Dedekind finite = finite).
Either \(\cal N1\) or \(\cal N3\) may be used to prove that Form 31 (\(UT(\aleph^0,\aleph^0,\aleph^0)\)) does not imply Form 9 (Dedekind finite = finite). Form 9 is known to be false in these models and a proof that Form 31 holds is given below. The result is transferable to \(ZF\) by Pincus [1972a].
Let \(e'\supseteq e\) be a support of \(x\). Then there is a \(t \in e'\setminus e\) and a \(\phi \in \cal G\) which fixes \(e' \setminus \{ t\}\) pointwise and such that \(\phi(x) \neq x\). (It follows that \(\phi(t)\neq t\).) It can be verified that
\[\left\{\langle \psi(t),\psi(x) \rangle: \psi \in \cal G \mathrm{\; and \;} \psi \mathrm{\; fixes\;} e' \setminus \{ t \} \mathrm{\; pointwise\;} \right\}\]
is a one to one function from an infinite subset of \(A\) into \(b\) which is in \(\cal N\).
Howard-Rubin number: 88
Type: Theorem