We have the following indirect implication of form equivalence classes:

15 \(\Rightarrow\) 387
given by the following sequence of implications, with a reference to its direct proof:

Implication Reference
15 \(\Rightarrow\) 30 The Axiom of Choice, Jech, 1973b, page 53 problem 4.12
30 \(\Rightarrow\) 387 "Dense orderings, partitions, and weak forms of choice", Gonzalez, C. 1995a, Fund. Math.

Here are the links and statements of the form equivalence classes referenced above:

Howard-Rubin Number Statement

\(KW(\infty,\infty)\) (KW), The Kinna-Wagner Selection Principle: For every  set \(M\) there is a function \(f\) such that for all \(A\in M\), if \(|A|>1\) then \(\emptyset\neq f(A)\subsetneq A\). (See Form 81(\(n\)).  


Ordering Principle: Every set can be linearly ordered.


DPO:  Every infinite set has a non-trivial, dense partial order.  (A partial ordering \(<\) on a set \(X\) is dense if \((\forall x, y\in X)(x \lt y \to (\exists z \in X)(x \lt z \lt y))\) and is non-trivial if \((\exists x,y\in X)(x \lt y)\)).

