We have the following indirect implication of form equivalence classes:

316 \(\Rightarrow\) 185
given by the following sequence of implications, with a reference to its direct proof:

Implication Reference
316 \(\Rightarrow\) 77 "Representing multi-algebras by algebras, the axiom of choice and the axiom of dependent choice", Howard, P. 1981, Algebra Universalis
77 \(\Rightarrow\) 185 Well ordered subsets of linearly ordered sets, Howard, P. 1994, Notre Dame J. Formal Logic

Here are the links and statements of the form equivalence classes referenced above:

Howard-Rubin Number Statement

If a linearly ordered set \((A,\le)\) has the fixed point property then \((A,\le)\) is complete. (\((A,\le)\)  has the fixed point property if every function \(f:A\to A\) satisfying \((x\le y \Rightarrow f(x)\le f(y))\) has a fixed point, and (\((A,\le)\) is complete if every subset of \(A\) has a least upper bound.)


A linear ordering of a set \(P\) is a well ordering if and only if \(P\) has no infinite descending sequences. Jech [1973b], p 23.


Every linearly ordered Dedekind finite set is finite.

