Hypothesis: HR 0:  \(0 = 0\).

Conclusion: HR 180:

Every Abelian group has a divisible hull.  (If \(A\) and \(B\)  are groups, \(B\) is a divisible hull of \(A\) means \(B\) is a divisible group, \(A\) is a subgroup of \(B\) and for every non-zero \(b \in  B\), \(\exists  n \in \omega \)  such that \(0\neq nb\in A\).)  Fuchs [1970], Theorem 24.4 p 107.

List of models where hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false:

Name Statement
\(\cal M23\) Hodges' Model Let \(\cal M\) be a countable transitive model of \(ZFC + V = L\) and let \(\kappa\) be a regular cardinal in \(\cal M\)

Code: 3


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