This non-implication, Form 16 \( \not \Rightarrow \) Form 103, whose code is 4, is constructed around a proven non-implication as follows:

  • An (optional) implication of code 1 or code 2 is given. In this case, it's Code 2: 357, whose string of implications is:
    43 \(\Rightarrow\) 8 \(\Rightarrow\) 16
  • A proven non-implication whose code is 3. In this case, it's Code 3: 960, Form 43 \( \not \Rightarrow \) Form 103 whose summary information is:
    Hypothesis Statement
    Form 43 <p> \(DC(\omega)\) (DC), <strong>Principle of Dependent Choices:</strong> If \(S\)  is  a relation on a non-empty set \(A\) and \((\forall x\in A) (\exists y\in A)(x S y)\)  then there is a sequence \(a(0), a(1), a(2), \ldots\) of elements of \(A\) such that \((\forall n\in\omega)(a(n)\mathrel S a(n+1))\).  See <a href="/articles/Tarski-1948">Tarski [1948]</a>, p 96, <a href="/articles/Levy-1964">Levy [1964]</a>, p. 136. </p>

    Conclusion Statement
    Form 103 <p> If \((P,<)\) is a linear ordering and \(|P| > \aleph_{1}\) then some initial segment of \(P\) is uncountable. <a href="/books/8">Jech [1973b]</a>, p 164 prob 11.21. </p>

  • This non-implication was constructed without the use of this last code 2/1 implication

The conclusion Form 16 \( \not \Rightarrow \) Form 103 then follows.

Finally, the
List of models where hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false:

Name Statement
\(\cal N14\) Morris/Jech Model \(A = \bigcup\{A_{\alpha}: \alpha <\omega_1\}\), where the \(A_{\alpha}\)'s are pairwise disjoint, each iscountably infinite, and each is ordered like the rationals; \(\cal G\) isthe group of all permutations on \(A\) that leave each \(A_{\alpha}\) fixedand preserve the ordering on each \(A_{\alpha}\); and \(S = \{B_{\gamma}:\gamma < \omega_1\}\), where \(B_{\gamma}= \bigcup\{A_{\alpha}: \alpha <\gamma\}\)

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