Form equivalence class Howard-Rubin Number: 1
\((TT_0)\): Every topological space \(X\) has a \(T_0\) subspace that is thick in \(X\). (\(Y\) is thick in \(X\) if there is nonon-empty open and closed (clopen) subset \(H\subseteq X\) such that\(H\cap Y=\emptyset\).)
Howard-Rubin number: 1 BH
Citations (articles):
McCarten [1988]
Topological equivalents of the axiom of choice
Connections (notes):
Note [106]
This note contains results from McCarten [1988],
and Schnare [1968] relating to forms [1 BF]
\((DT_0)\), [1 BG] \((CT_0)\), [1 BH]
\((TT_0)\), and [1 BI] \((MT_0)\).
References (books):