Form equivalence class Howard-Rubin Number: 1


For every \(T_2\) space \((X,T)\) and every subbase \(\cal B\) for \(X\), if \(\cal C\) and \(\cal D\) are cellular families of \(X\) included in \(\cal B\), then there is a cellular family \(\cal E\subseteq\cal B\) such that \(\cal C\) and \(\cal D\) are equipollent to subsets of\(\cal E\).

Howard-Rubin number: 1 BR

Citations (articles): Keremedis [1998a] Filters, antichains and towers in topological spaces and the axiom of choice

Connections (notes): Note [77] In this note we include definitions from Keremedis [1998a] for forms [1 BL] through [1 BR], [1CB], and [67 G].

References (books):
