Form equivalence class Howard-Rubin Number: 62


For every prime \(p\), if \(\{\,G_y : y\in Y\,\}\) is a set of finite groups, then the weak direct product \(\prod_{y\in Y} G_y\) has a maximal \(p\)-subgroup. \ac{Howard/Yorke} \cite{1987} and note 24.

Howard-Rubin number: 62 C

Citations (articles): Howard/Yorke [1987] Maximal p-subgroups and the axiom of choice

Connections (notes): Note [24] This note contains some definitions from group theory that are used in \(\cal M22\), and forms [62 C], [62 D], [67 D], Form 180, and Form 308\((p)\)

References (books):
