Hypothesis: HR 313:

\(\Bbb Z\) (the set of integers under addition) is amenable.  (\(G\) is {\it amenable} if there is a finitely additive measure \(\mu\) on \(\cal P(G)\) such that \(\mu(G) = 1\) and \(\forall A\subseteq G, \forall g\in G\), \(\mu(gA)=\mu(A)\).)

Conclusion: HR 45-n:

If \(n\in\omega-\{0,1\}\), \(C(\infty,n)\): Every set of \(n\)-element sets has a choice function.

List of models where hypothesis is true and the conclusion is false:

Name Statement
\(\cal N1\) The Basic Fraenkel Model The set of atoms, \(A\) is denumerable; \(\cal G\) is the group of all permutations on \(A\); and \(S\) isthe set of all finite subsets of \(A\)
\(\cal N2\) The Second Fraenkel Model The set of atoms \(A=\{a_i : i\in\omega\}\) is partitioned into two element sets \(B =\{\{a_{2i},a_{2i+1}\} : i\in\omega\}\). \(\mathcal G \) is the group of all permutations of \( A \) that leave \( B \) pointwise fixed and \( S \) is the set of all finite subsets of \( A \).
\(\cal N2(n)\) A generalization of \(\cal N2\) This is a generalization of\(\cal N2\) in which there is a denumerable set of \(n\) element sets for\(n\in\omega - \{0,1\}\)
\(\cal N2^*(3)\) Howard's variation of \(\cal N2(3)\) \(A=\bigcup B\), where\(B\) is a set of pairwise disjoint 3 element sets, \(T_i = \{a_i, b_i,c_i\}\)
\(\cal N2(n,M)\) Mostowski's variation of \(\cal N2(n)\) \(A\), \(B\), and \(S\)are the same as in \(\cal N2(n)\)
\(\cal N2(\aleph_{\alpha})\) Jech's Model This is an extension of \(\cal N2\) in which \(A=\{a_{\gamma} : \gamma\in\omega_{\alpha}\}\); \(B\) is the corresponding set of \(\aleph_{\alpha}\) pairs of elements of \(A\); \(\cal G\)is the group of all permutations on \(A\) that leave \(B\) point-wise fixed;and \(S\) is the set of all subsets of \(A\) of cardinality less than\(\aleph_{\alpha}\)
\(\cal N12(\aleph_1)\) A variation of Fraenkel's model, \(\cal N1\) Thecardinality of \(A\) is \(\aleph_1\), \(\cal G\) is the group of allpermutations on \(A\), and \(S\) is the set of all countable subsets of \(A\).In \(\cal N12(\aleph_1)\), every Dedekind finite set is finite (9 is true),but the \(2m=m\) principle (3) is false
\(\cal N22(p)\) Makowski/Wi\'sniewski/Mostowski Model (Where \(p\) is aprime) Let \(A=\bigcup\{A_i: i\in\omega\}\) where The \(A_i\)'s are pairwisedisjoint and each has cardinality \(p\)
\(\cal N24\) Hickman's Model I This model is a variation of \(\cal N2\)
\(\cal N24(n)\) An extension of \(\cal N24\) to \(n\)-element sets, \(n>1\).\(A=\bigcup B\), where \( B=\{b_i: i\in\omega\}\) is a pairwise disjoint setof \(n\)-element sets \(\cal G\) is the group of all permutations of \(A\)which are permutations of \(B\); and \(S\) is the set of all finite subsets of\(A\)
\(\cal N24(n,LO)\) Truss' Model III This is a variation of \(\cal N24(n)\)in which the set \(B\) is linearly ordered
\(\cal N26\) Brunner/Pincus Model, a variation of \(\cal N2\) The set ofatoms \(A=\bigcup_{n\in\omega} P_n\), where the \(P_n\)'s are pairwisedisjoint denumerable sets; \(\cal G\) is the set of all permutations\(\sigma\) on \(A\) such that \(\sigma(P_n)=P_n\), for all \(n\in\omega\); and \(S\)is the set of all finite subsets of \(A\)
\(\cal N43\) Brunner's Model II The set of atoms \(A=\bigcup\{P_n: n\in\omega\}\), where \(|P_n|=n+1\) for each \(n\in\omega\) and the \(P_n\)'s arepairwise disjoint
\(\cal N49\) De la Cruz/Di Prisco Model Let \(A = \{ a(i,p) : i\in\omega\land p\in {\Bbb Q}/{\Bbb Z} \}\)
\(\cal N50(E)\) Brunner's Model III \(E\) is a finite set of prime numbers.For each \(p\in E\) and \(n\in\omega\), let \(A_{p,n}\) be a set of atoms ofcardinality \(p^n\)

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