
\(SPI^*\): Uniform weak ultrafilter principle: For each family \(F\) of infinite sets \(\exists f\) such that \(\forall x\in F\), \(f(x)\) is a non-principal ultrafilter on \(x\).

Howard_Rubin_Number: 123

Parameter(s): This form does not depend on parameters

This form's transferability is: Transferable

This form's negation transferability is: Negation Transferable

Article Citations:
Halpern-1972: On a question of Tarski and a maximal theorem of Kurepa

Book references

Note connections:

The following forms are listed as conclusions of this form class in rfb1: 30, 99, 62, 63, 123, 331, 344,


Complete List of Equivalent Forms

Howard-Rubin Number Statement References
123 A

Form 70 + Form 344.

Morillon [1988]