Martin's Axiom \((\aleph_{0})\): Whenever \((P\le)\) is a non-empty, ccc quasi-order (ccc means every anti-chain is countable) and \({\cal D}\) is a family of \(\le\aleph_0\) dense subsets of \(P\), then there is a \({\cal D}\) generic filter \(G\) in \(P\).
Howard_Rubin_Number: 339
Parameter(s): This form does not depend on parameters
This form's transferability is: Unknown
This form's negation transferability is: Negation Transferable
Article Citations:
Shannon-1990: Provable forms of Martin's axiom
Book references
Set Theory. An Introduction to Independence Proofs, Kunen, K., 1980
Note connections:
Note 47
Definitions from Shannon [1990]