Fraenkel \(\cal N1\): The Basic Fraenkel Model | Back to this models page

Description: The set of atoms, \(A\) is denumerable; \(\cal G\) is the group of all permutations on \(A\); and \(S\) isthe set of all finite subsets of \(A\)

When the book was first being written, only the following form classes were known to be true in this model:

Form Howard-Rubin Number Statement

\(UT(\aleph_0,\aleph_0,\aleph_0,\Bbb R)\): The union of a denumerable  family  of denumerable subsets of \({\Bbb R}\) is denumerable.


\(C(\aleph_{0},\le 2^{\aleph_{0}})\):  Every denumerable collection of non-empty sets  each with power \(\le  2^{\aleph_{0}}\) has a choice function.


Ramsey's Theorem I: If \(A\) is an infinite set and the family of all 2 element subsets of \(A\) is partitioned into 2 sets \(X\) and \(Y\), then there is an infinite subset \(B\subseteq A\) such that all 2 element subsets of \(B\) belong to \(X\) or all 2 element subsets of \(B\) belong to \(Y\). (Also, see Form 325.), Jech [1973b], p 164 prob 11.20.


\((\forall \alpha)(UT(\aleph_{\alpha},\aleph_{\alpha}, \aleph_{\alpha}))\): For every ordinal \(\alpha\), if \(A\) and every member of \(A\) has cardinality \(\aleph_{\alpha}\), then \(|\bigcup A| = \aleph _{\alpha }\).


\(C(\aleph_0,2^{(2^{\aleph_0})})\): Every denumerable collection of non-empty sets each with power \(2^{(2^{\aleph_{0}})}\) has a choice function.


\(UT(\aleph_{0},\aleph_{0},\aleph_{0})\): The countable union theorem:  The union of a denumerable set of denumerable sets is denumerable.


Lebesgue measure is countably additive.


\(SPI\): Weak ultrafilter principle: Every infinite set has a non-trivial ultrafilter.
Jech [1973b], p 172 prob 8.5.


Antichain Principle:  Every partially ordered set has a maximal antichain. Jech [1973b], p 133.


\(PW\):  The power set of a well ordered set can be well ordered.


\(MC(\infty,LO)\): For every family \(X\) of non-empty sets each of which can be linearly ordered there is a function \(f\) such that for all \(y\in X\), \(f(y)\) is a non-empty finite subset of \(y\).


Every A-bounded \(T_2\) topological space is weakly Loeb. (\(A\)-bounded means amorphous subsets are relatively compact. Weakly Loeb means the set of non-empty closed subsets has a multiple choice function.)


The product of weakly Loeb \(T_2\) spaces is weakly Loeb. Weakly Loeb means the set of non-empty closed subsets has a multiple choice function.)


Every compact \(T_2\) space is weakly  Loeb. Weakly Loeb means the set of non-empty closed subsets has a multiple choice function.


An amorphous power of a compact \(T_2\) space, which as a set is well orderable, is well orderable.


\({\cal P}(\Bbb R)\) is well orderable.


Every set is either well orderable or has an infinite amorphous subset.


If \(X\) is an infinite \(T_1\) space and \(X^{Y}\) is \(T_5\), then \(Y\) is countable. (\(T_5\) is 'hereditarily \(T_4\)'.)


If \(X\) is a \(T_2\) space with at least two points and \(X^{Y}\) is hereditarily metacompact then \(Y\) is  countable. (A space is metacompact if every open cover has an open point finite refinement. If \(B\) and \(B'\) are covers of a space \(X\), then \(B'\) is a refinement of \(B\) if \((\forall x\in B')(\exists y\in B)(x\subseteq y)\). \(B\) is point finite if \((\forall t\in X)\) there are only finitely many \(x\in B\) such that \(t\in x\).) van Douwen [1980]


\(A(D2)\):  Every \(T_2\) topological space \((X,T)\) can be covered by a well ordered family of discrete sets.


\(SVC\): There is a set \(S\) such that for every set \(a\), there is an ordinal \(\alpha\) and a function from \(S\times\alpha\) onto \(a\).


Every infinite partially ordered set has either an infinite chain or an infinite antichain.


Every metric space \((X,d)\) has a \(\sigma\)-point finite base.


Artin-Schreier theorem: If a field has an algebraic closure it is unique up to isomorphism.


\(H(AS\&C,P)\): Every every relation \((X,R)\) which is antisymmetric and connected contains a \(\subseteq\)-maximal partially ordered subset.


There is a subset of \({\Bbb R}\) which is not Borel.


There does not exist a \(T_2\) topological space \(X\) such that every infinite subset of \(X\) contains an infinite compact subset.


There are \(2^{\aleph_0}\) Vitali equivalence classes. (Vitali equivalence classes are equivalence classes of the real numbers under the relation \(x\equiv y\leftrightarrow(\exists q\in{\Bbb Q})(x-y=q)\).). \ac{Kanovei} \cite{1991}.


The Banach-Tarski Paradox: There are three finite partitions \(\{P_1,\ldots\), \(P_n\}\), \(\{Q_1,\ldots,Q_r\}\) and \(\{S_1,\ldots,S_n, T_1,\ldots,T_r\}\) of \(B^3 = \{x\in {\Bbb R}^3 : |x| \le 1\}\) such that \(P_i\) is congruent to \(S_i\) for \(1\le i\le n\) and \(Q_i\) is congruent to \(T_i\) for \(1\le i\le r\).


\(\Bbb Z\) (the set of integers under addition) is amenable.  (\(G\) is {\it amenable} if there is a finitely additive measure \(\mu\) on \(\cal P(G)\) such that \(\mu(G) = 1\) and \(\forall A\subseteq G, \forall g\in G\), \(\mu(gA)=\mu(A)\).)


\(KW(WO,\infty)\), The Kinna-Wagner Selection Principle for a well ordered family of sets: For every  well ordered set \(M\) there is a function \(f\) such that for all \(A\in M\), if \(|A|>1\) then \(\emptyset\neq f(A)\subsetneq A\).  (See Form 15).


Ramsey's Theorem II: \(\forall n,m\in\omega\), if A is an infinite set and the family of all \(m\) element subsets of \(A\) is partitioned into \(n\) sets \(S_{j}, 1\le j\le n\), then there is an infinite subset \(B\subseteq A\) such that all \(m\) element subsets of \(B\) belong to the same \(S_{j}\). (Also, see Form 17.)


In \(\Bbb R\), the union of a denumerable number of analytic sets is analytic. G. Moore [1982], pp 181 and 325.


There are exactly \(2^{\aleph_0}\) Borel sets in \(\Bbb R\). G. Moore [1982], p 325.


The set of all denumerable subsets of \(\Bbb R\) has power \(2^{\aleph_0}\).


If \(\Bbb R\) is partitioned into two sets, at least one of them has cardinality \(2^{\aleph_0}\).


\(PKW(\infty,\infty,\infty)\): For every infinite family \(X\) of sets each of which has at least two elements, there is an infinite subfamily \(Y\) of \(X\) and a function \(f\) such that for all \(y\in Y\), \(f(y)\) is a non-empty proper subset of \(y\).


\(PC(\infty,WO,\infty)\):  For every infinite family of non-empty well orderable sets, there is an infinite subfamily \(Y\) of \(X\) which has a choice function.

When the book was first being written, only the following form classes were known to be false in this model:

Form Howard-Rubin Number Statement

\(KW(\infty,\infty)\) (KW), The Kinna-Wagner Selection Principle: For every  set \(M\) there is a function \(f\) such that for all \(A\in M\), if \(|A|>1\) then \(\emptyset\neq f(A)\subsetneq A\). (See Form 81(\(n\)).  


For all infinite cardinals \(m\), \(m^2\le 2^m\).  Mathias [1979], prob 1336.


\(E(I,Ia)\) There are no amorphous sets. (Equivalently, every infinite set is the union of two disjoint infinite sets.)


Nielsen-Schreier Theorem: Every subgroup of a free group is free.  Jech [1973b], p 12.


Every field has an algebraic closure.  Jech [1973b], p 13.


\(MC_\omega(\infty,\infty)\) (\(\omega\)-MC): For every family \(X\) of pairwise disjoint non-empty sets, there is a function \(f\) such that for each \(x\in X\), f(x) is a non-empty countable subset of \(x\).


Baire Category Theorem for Compact Hausdorff Spaces: Every compact Hausdorff space is Baire.


\(MC(\aleph_0,\infty)\), Countable axiom of multiple choice: For every denumerable set \(X\) of non-empty sets there is a function \(f\) such that for all \(y\in X\), \(f(y)\) is a non-empty finite subset of \(y\).


Aczel's Realization Principle: On every infinite set there is a Hausdorff topology with an infinite set of non-isolated points.


\(MC_\omega(\aleph_0,\infty)\): For every denumerable family \(X\) of pairwise disjoint non-empty sets, there is a function \(f\) such that for each \(x\in X\), f(x) is a non-empty countable subset of \(x\).


\(A(F,A1)\): For every \(T_2\) topological space \((X,T)\), if \(X\) is a continuous finite to one image of an A1 space then \((X,T)\) is  an A1 space. (\((X,T)\) is A1 means if \(U \subseteq  T\) covers \(X\) then \(\exists f : X\rightarrow U\) such that \((\forall x\in X) (x\in f(x)).)\)


An infinite box product of regular \(T_1\) spaces, each of cardinality greater than 1, is neither first countable nor connected.


For all infinite \(x\), \(|2^{x}| = |x!|\).


AL20(\(\mathbb Q\)):  Every vector \(V\) space over \(\mathbb Q\) has the property that every linearly independent subset of \(V\) can be extended to a basis. Rubin, H./Rubin, J. [1985], p.119, AL20.


There is no infinite, free complete Boolean algebra.


In an integral domain \(R\), if every ideal is finitely generated then \(R\) has a maximal proper ideal. note 45 E.


\(MC(LO,\infty)\): For each linearly ordered family of non-empty sets \(X\), there is a function \(f\) such that for all \(x\in X\) \(f(x)\) is non-empty, finite subset of \(x\).


\(KW(\infty,WO)\), The Kinna-Wagner Selection Principle for a family of well orderable sets: For every set \(M\) of well orderable sets there is a function \(f\) such that for all \(A\in M\), if \(|A| > 1\) then \(\emptyset\neq f(A)\subsetneq A\).  (See Form 15.)


\(MC(WO,\infty)\): For  every well ordered set \(X\) such that for all \(x\in X\), \(|x|\ge 1\), there is a function \(f\) such that and for every \(x\in X\), \(f(x)\) is a finite, non-empty subset of \(x\). (See Form 67.)


If \((E_i)_{i\in I}\) is a family of non-empty sets, then there is a family \((U_i)_{i\in I}\) such that \(\forall i\in I\), \(U_i\) is an ultrafilter on \(E_i\).


Every infinite set can be partitioned either into two infinite sets or infinitely many sets, each of which has at least two elements. Ash [1983].

Historical background:

In \(\mathcal N1\), \(A\) is infinite, but neither \(A\) nor \(\mathcal P(A)\) have a denumerable subset (9 and 82 are false); \(A\) is amorphous (64 is false); \(|A|^2\not\le 2^{|A|}\) (53 is false); and \( MC_\omega(\aleph_0,\infty)\) (131) is false because if \(F_n\)is the set of all \(n\)-element subsets of \(A\), then \(\{F_n: n\in\omega\}\) has no countable multiple choice function. However, A (Antichain Condition, 89) is true; the Weak Ultra Filter Principle (63) is true, but the Boolean Prime Ideal Theorem (14) is false; Ramsey's Theorem (17) is true; every set that cannot be well ordered has an infinite subset in one-to-one correspondence with a subset of \(A\) (133 is true) (Blass [1977a]); there is a free group that has a subgroup that is not free (68 is false); and there is a field that does not have an algebraic closure (69 is false). (See L\"auchli [1962] and Jech [1973b] p145ff for these last two results.) Also, AC for sets of pairs (88) is false.

In Brunner [1984b] it is shown that 17 + 133 implies 134, so 134 is true. It is shown in Note 123 that 133 implies 231 (\(UT(WO,WO,WO)\)). In every FM model 231 implies 23 ((\(\forall\alpha)UT(\aleph_\alpha,\aleph_\alpha,\aleph_\alpha)\)). It follows that 23 is also true. It is shown in Note 88 that the Countable Union Theorem (31) is true. In Brunner [1984b] has shown that an amorphous power of a compact \(T_2\) space is compact (127 is true) and that if \(X\) is a \(T_2\) space with at least two points and \(X^Y\) is hereditarily metacompact, then \(Y\)is countable (135 is true). Also, in this paper, Brunner shows that the Baire Category Theorem for compact Hausdorff spaces (106) is false (127 +106 implies 64). In Howard/Rubin [1977] it is shown that \(MC(\infty,LO)\) (112) is true, but \(MC(LO,\infty)\) (292) is false. Brunner [1985a] shows that a product of weakly Loeb \(T_2\)-spaces is weakly Loeb (115 is true) and that every compact \(T_2\)-space is weakly Loeb (116 is true). In Brunner [1983d] it is shown that there is a \(T_2\)-space \(X\) which is \(F\) (a continuous finite-to-one image of an \(A_1\)-space), but not \(A_1\) (for every open covering \(O\) of \(X\) there is a mapping \(f : X\to O\) such that for each \(x\in X\), \(x\in f(x)\)) (146 is false) and also that every \(T_2\) topological space can be covered by a well ordered family of discrete sets (147 is true). Brunner [1984f] shows that in this model there is an infinite \(T_2\)-space which does not have an infinite set of non-isolated points (128 is false). (Note that the statement that \(\mathcal P(\mathbb R)\) can be well ordered (130) is true in every model of ZF\(^0\).)

Brunner [1981a] shows that the box product \(\Bbb R^A\) is metrizable and connected (177 is false). (See Note 52.) Dawson/Howard show that \(|A!|\) and \(|2^A|\) are incomparable (200 is false). (See Note 64.) Hickman proves that in this model it is not possible to construct a binary operation on \(A\) which makes \(A\) a group (239 is false). Stavi proves that there exist an infinite, free, complete Boolean algebra on \(A\) (267 is false). (See Note 89 for definitions.) Hodges proves that if \(R\) is the polynomial ring over \(A\) with coefficients in \(\mathbb Q\) then \(R\) is an integral domain such that every ideal in \(R\) is finitely generated, but \(R\) has no maximal proper ideal (278 is false). It is shown in Harper/Rubin that in this model every set on which there is a relation \(R\) which is anti-symmetric and connected has a maximal subset on which \(R\) is transitive (263 is true). In Brunner [1985a] it is shown that in this model for \(T_2\) spaces, A-bounded is equivalent to weakly Loeb (114 is true). In this model, every infinite partially ordered set has either an infinite chain or an infinite antichain (217 is true). (SeeNote 105.)

In Note 41 we show that in \(\mathcal N1\) algebraic closures of fields are unique when they exist (233 is true). In Note 116 we show that in \(\mathcal N1\) every T\(_2\) topological space contains an infinite subset which has no infinite compact subsets (304) is true. In Note 66 we show that \(KW(WO,\infty)\) (322) is true. (This result also appears in Brunner [1982a], Proposition 4.5.) The set of all finite subsets of \(A\) that have at least two elements is a set of well orderable sets for which there is no Kinna-Wagner selection function. Therefore, \(KW(\infty, WO)\) (323)is false. Ramsey's Theorem II (325) is true (see Note 46). Form 40(\(C(WO,\infty)\)) is false because 40 implies 64 and Form 122(\(C(WO,<\aleph_0)\)) is true because 133 implies 122. Therefore,Form 328(\(MC(WO,\infty)\)) is false because \(122 + 328\to 40\). De la Cruz and DiPrisco have shown that every infinite collection of non-empty well orderable sets has an infinite subfamily with a choice function (380 is true) and that every infinite collection of non-empty sets has an infinite subfamily with a Kinna-Wagner selection function (379 is true). It is shown in Howard/Keremedis/Rubin/Stanley [1999] that Form 232 (Every metric space \((X,d)\) has a \(\sigma\)-discrete basis.) is true. Since form 165 (\(C(WO,WO)\)) is true, (133 implies 165) it follows from Note 2(8and 9) that 16 and 24 are also true. Form 390 is false because the set of atoms can neither be partitioned into two infinite sets nor can it be partitioned into infinitely many sets, each of which has at least two elements.
